1. Configuration
Main component:
NEXTA formulations start in nature using plant extracts that are grown, harvested and then processed in a SUSTAINABLE way. NEXTA does not contain toxic substances that can pollute land, water or air.
2. Wellness leather

Our goal is to propose a new type of leather, a revolutionary leather that can have a strong impact on the VALUE perceived by the consumer.
By using NEXTA leathers and their benefits, leather goods producers can improve the end-user experience, adding value to their products.
3. Value
A scientifically proven solution
* Made 100% with sustainable and natural components (metal free-no chrome).
* Responds to market demands in terms of comfort, resistance, softness, sustainability.
* Green and clean production processes.
* Our products comply with the established standards of restricted substances, according to the Reach standard.
Like all quality leathers, NEXTA leathers are used in footwear, both for the upper, lining and insole. As well as for leather goods, saddlery, belts, gloves, among others; They work better than any chrome and even mixed (chrome-vegetable) tanning.

Prevents the proliferation of bacteria, reducing the bad smell.
Absorbs and eliminates moisture quickly as it is Evapo-Transpirative.
Aggreagated value
Articles made with NEXTA leather contribute to hygiene and conservation of the environment.
3. Bio-circular
It is part of an infinite loop
Perfectly fused with nature
Bio-circular thinking goes one step further by employing materials that start and end in nature, without causing problems in the future.
NEXTA leather is designed for a next life, that is, to function as an organic fertilizer, through a hydrolysis process, therefore, they return to nature, enriching it instead of creating problems for us and the planet.
The new generation of leather NEXTA LEATHER

Join the trend of ecofriendly products, the new philosophy of doing business.
NEXTA is a registered trademark of Wyny Corp. Proudly managed by SUELAS WYNY SA de CV.