Our commitment to the environment has led us to a constant search for new processes that allow us to make the most of clean energy and operate in a sustainable way to a greater and greater extent.

There are elements that are currently waste that are confined, in order to generate thermal energy (through drying, mixing and crushing processes); to later be used as organic fuels, which instead of polluting, will be an alternative energy source.

Photovoltaic panel
Aware of the effects of climate change, Grupo Wyny has a special interest in using processes that contribute to reducing this effect. Reducing the use of natural resources, it has implemented clean energy projects that take advantage of solar radiation with photovoltaic installations with an electricity generation of more than 3,000 panels with ecological benefits, including carbon dioxide emission compensation. Currently the Generation of KWH / YEAR is 2,472,880.

Rainwater collection
Lack of water represents one of the greatest risks to our future prosperity and stability today. Wyny Group, concerned about this situation, has adopted a water collection system, which takes advantage of the roofs of industrial buildings, which, equipped with gutters, direct rainwater to an intermediate filter that leads to serially connected cisterns and water tanks. In the rainy months, an average of 5,000 m3 of water is collected.

Water treatment plant
By having this investment, the reuse of the water that is discarded is achieved.